28,523 additional companies were registered in January 2022

28,523 additional companies were registered in January 2022 relative to January 2019. 1,836 more company registrations are noticed in January 2022 relative to January 2021.


  1. Business creation increased 21% between December 2021 and January 2022.
  2. Business creation was 49% higher in January 2022 than in January 2020 and 3% higher in January 2022 than in January 2021.
  3. The largest number of company registrations occurs in ‘Public administration and defence; compulsory social security’ and ‘Wholesale, and Retail Trade’.

We analyse Companies House “basic company data” up to 31 January 2022. We note more company registration relative to December 2021. The firm creation among active firms remains stronger than the same period in 2019.

Rolling average of firm creation in the UK

The chart below shows the rolling average of firm creation since January 2019. Shaded areas correspond to lockdown periods as shown our key dates timeline.

Read the report here.

Yannis Galanakis
Yannis Galanakis
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Yannis' research interests include Labour and Applied Economics.